

Past and Future Improvements In Personal Computing Architecture

A free discussion on the past, present and future of personal computers architecture […]

DZgameEngine and Distribution Licenses

When I started the DZgameEngine project I wanted it to be open source, so that anybody could freely use it to experiment with game development and accelerate the learning stage for understanding the insides of a game engine, from drawing to the screen to generating sounds.

Soon I realized that I needed to provide some […]

DZgameEngine Project Update: More Classes Added To The Project

This is the list of classes I added so far:

Data Handling Classes, listed in the previous post. DZengine DZinputHandler DZjoystick DZkeyboard DZlayer DZlevel DZmouse DZobject DZparams DZstate DZstateMachine DZtextureManager DZxmlParser

All the code is available on GitHub. I also plan to write some documentation to those classes, which I will put in this blog.
